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The Not-So-Common Essential Packing List

If you're a frequent traveler, you probably have a packing list that you refer to every time you leave home. (If you don't, you should.) However, here are a few items that you might not have considered.

Every trip away from home pulls you out of your comfort zone.

Take a moment or two to consider the following points. They could make your next vacation or business trip a little more relaxed and enjoyable.


Although they are supplied by some hotel chains, a comfortable pair of slippers will help protect your feet from drafts. You can purchase lightweight packs of folding slippers or ballerina flats that don't take up much room in your suitcase.


Unless you are planning a short daytrip, you will need to recharge your smartphone, tablet, eBook reader, and other electronics. Try to find a single universal device that will be capable of charging everything. Alternatively, you might be able to find adapter cables for gadgets that don't have standard USB capability.


Some photo situations demand a tripod. Check your local department store for a mini tripod that you can stow in a purse or camera case. Set it up, frame the picture, and use your camera's timer to get into the shot.

Birth Control

Whether you use condoms, pills, or patches, don't forget your birth control. If you are on the pill, set up some kind of system that reminds you to take it every day. Holidays can be hectic, and it is easy to forget things.

House Keys

Have you ever returned after a long trip to discover that you were locked out of your home? Ouch! Remember to pack your keys - or leave them with a trustworthy individual before you go.

Baby Powder

• Tropical days and sweltering nights can be rendered more comfortable with the strategic application of a little baby powder.

• Sprinkle some in smelly footwear. It may also help prevent blisters on long walks.

• Apply powder to damp, sandy skin after a day at the beach. It will absorb moisture, and make the sand easier to remove.


Most people tend to eat less healthy foods while they travel. Help offset the poor diet by taking a good quality multivitamin every day. Pack the original bottle - with intact, readable label - so that your vitamins will pass security inspections.

Dark Clothing

If you wear white or light clothing, it will look good until you encounter your first mustard or grass stain. No matter how careful you are, you cannot anticipate accidents or the carelessness of other people. Save some aggravation by planning your wardrobe around darker colors.

Multi-Size Rubber Bath-Plug

How many times have you been in a hotel room that had a missing or defective sink- or bath-plug? If you pack your own, you will be able to wash small laundry or use the bathtub without having to substitute rolled up socks as a drain stopper.

Nix the Travelers' Checks

Many businesses around the world don't accept travelers' checks. Take currency, your ATM card, and a VISA or MasterCard. (Unfortunately, American Express and Discover cards are shunned by many merchants.)

A bit of extra attention before your trip can result in a happier experience for everyone.

(c) Copyright Kathy Steinemann

About the Author:

Find hundreds more travel tips in Kathy's eBooks: Top Tips for Travel by Air and Top Tips for Packing Your Suitcase. She has also written a book of Home Safety Tips that includes five chapters dedicated to vacation preparations. Article source: 111 Travel Directory: (triple one dot com)